If you are a missionary or church planter, you may feel alone on the field. You know you have a million things to do: build relationships, write curriculum, disciple, send donor letters, plan worship services and more.
Our team of virtual assistants have the training needed to help missionaries–no matter where they might be located!
Help No Matter Where You are Located
We have worked with missionaries in closed locations. We understand that discretion and caution are needed in all correspondence. We’ll go the extra step to ensure confidentiality. Whether that is using a US based address to do mail outs or using pseudonyms–whatever we need to do to help, we will.
Donor Letters
We can help send out donor letters and monthly communication updates. That way, those who are contributing to your ministry get updates and know how to specifically pray for you!
Administrative Help
Our team can come alongside you no matter where you are located and handle those overwhelming administrative tasks that are piling up!
Social Media Management
There is no better way to describe your heart for missions and the world than through pictures! Our team is ready to run your social media accounts so that others can truly understand your mission.
Curriculum Creation
We know that most of the curriculum available appeals only to those located in North America. Perhaps you are wanting to create your own curriculum that will work in your specific ministry context. Our team of Biblical Researchers are here to help. We are eager to learn about your specific ministry context and write material that will resonate with your audience.
Pricing that Fits Ministries of Any Size
Whether you are a small church plant (and wearing a million different hats) or a missionary serving a small village, our pricing remains affordable so that we can help serve and advance the Kingdom.
Ready to get started and get the help you need? Schedule your brief 15-minute consultation by clicking the button below. If you are in a location where you cannot communicate through phone, simply email us and let us know in the description and we’ll discuss your needs through email.